Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Some Concerning Matters

Folks, the world is full of them. No, I'm not talking about apathetic zombies of the pseudo-totalitarian state. I'm not referring to Asians either although the world is indeed full of those and I am hence deeply concerned.But alas, I'm here to talk about matters. Matters matter. The'res no doubt about that. From little matters like tsunamis and bloodthirsty dictatorial regimes, to huge, all encompassing matters like mismatched socks on fashion illiterate fascists and waves too narly for Asian surfers, matters concern me. I think this is because I'm an empathetically engaged citizen with such deep connections to my fellow globe dwellers. This is why I feel an undeniable need to sit in my comfy chair and vigorously blog about these matters in a way that maybe the eight (that's right, I said eight! :)) lovely individuals who regularly read me, might step back and begin to be concerned with a fraction of the concern I feel daily for the matters that are concerning. Let's begin.

Globe, Jesse J's hit single "Pricetag", in which she, with help, repeatedly declares her lack of care for our money and her desire to make the a world that has spun generally the same way for millions of years dance, is being sold on iTunes for 30 cents more than 99 cents. Last time I checked, that's $1.29 that we're supposed to pretend doesn't matter. This matter matters. There are children in some less fortunate countries that can't even afford an iPod. They may never know about the clearly pertinent lesson taught that "it's not about the bling" or the "ching" And my question also is: What, then, is it about?

World, somewhere in thine wide expanses, some amateur musician and a friend of the same race is playing and singing Micheal Jackson and Paul McCartney's song "Ebony and Ivory" in the key of C. With no sharps of flats, they won't even touch the black keys. When will the madness stop?

Friends, in Israel, there are no hockey moms. Sarah Palin, who has a special place in her heart for that part of the globe, and I are ashamed. That's why, starting now, I'm starting a new mostly non profit organization which I call "Ice Rinks For Israel", IRFI for short, which will provide this basic human right to those poor, poor Israelis. You should donate to the cause out of your personal health care budget. There's no reason natural or governmental causes should force you to be healthy. That's just not right. In fact, it's left.

I have to wake up at 9:30 tomorrow morning. I'm not sure if I can make it.

In my wildest dream, my brother drove us off a million foot cliff. Now I'm afraid of shooting stars and birthday candles.

Math. Oooh. now that's a concerning matter. I don't even think I want to talk about it.

Well people, (when I type that word, I have to say "peee-aw-po-lee" in my head so I spell it right) that's about all my concerns at the moment minus the fact that I have to work soon and I have a feeling that won't be the funnest thing ever. I do have a feeling however, that the funnest thing that has ever happened to you will happen very soon.

On those happy thoughts, I bid thee goodnight.

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