Friday, November 5, 2010

Por La Noche

I've made a life changing discovery. It happened just the other day as I was typing my last entry in this earth changing project. Globe, you don't have to spend countless hours prewriting, rough drafting, organization and line editing, rewriting, spell checking, typewriting and finalizing to do this blog thing. You just have to sit down, snap a picture and start writing. You probably don't have that many readers anyway. Of course that isn't the case for me. Let's see, there are about 6.8 billion people on earth, 30% of all animals, some wandering spirits and a couple inanimate objects, that makes: alot of readers. BUT nonetheless, a lot of work is not necessary. Don't get me wrong, this world changing is hard stuff, but like anything big, it's not about doing big things, it's about getting the tools to do big things, learning how to use then and when the time comes, so will the world changing. Hard work is only hard for the unprepared.

So, I'm posting on a schedule. We finished movie night, I've prepared myself for shelf lurking and am about to go out on the night stalking. You read me right. I'm a night stalker. . . A creature of the night. I begin at 9 and arrive back at the cave at 4 or 5. BEWARE!! And, have you ever wondered what happened to a gallina in between becoming a pollo? I have. That is all.

1 comment:

  1. I know another 'night stalker' named Ted... but I didn't know you were into that.

    Happy stalking!

