Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Little Shop of Mexicans

Globe, I have neglected thee. It's just that I'm SO BUSY pacing my house figuring out what to do with my life. There are a lot of important things to figure out and it just gets hard sometimes you know.

Two things are on my mind which has developed a limited space for things at all.

#1 election. You know my election woes globe, and I'm sure you also know that yesterday was voting day: the day where people vote. One thing I noticed about the election was that a lot of people won. A lot of other people lost. I've been imagining the Reid father-son conversation today - after of course Rory has viciously devoured his friends ben and jerry in a fit of bottled up rage that only a toothpick lookalike politician and Sharron Angle are capable of. "Rory my boy, I'm so sorry for your loss." "thanks dad, we tried our best but Brian is a" "lets not blame this on any one factor son, you've still got a lot of learning to do to catch up to the campaigning talent of your old man." . . The real issue in the election statewide for nevada is mexicans. Harry Reid won because he's "an immigrant's best friend" and Angle is a colorblind racist. The same is true for Shelley Berkley who is a woman and hence, probably makes killer quesadillas in the House of Reps kitchen. Brian Sandoval won because he is a mexican and Joe Heck and Dean Hell-er won because mexicans at the polls mistook their last names for the old country. It was a victory night for a lot of people, mostly mexicans. Something historical has happened globe. California and Nevada have both elected Brown governors. That's all I have to say on the matter.

#2 I had the pleasure of seeing a tremendous performance of Little Shoppe of Horrors put on by the MVHS theater department. I laughed, I cried I wonder why'ed and I went home. Then i came back for MORE!! Notable moments for me included the trashcan fight involving one of my favorite singers of all time and the Romiette-ish moment where the excellently portrayed Seymour and the tear-jerking female lead decided on sacrificing the not-so-virgin to the plant god of wealth. Also, whoever was on piano is very very talented and the voice of Audrey II was very delightful, especially at the matinĂ©e.



1 comment:

  1. You certainly know how to call it like you see it Josh! (re: election day)

    I hope to see the play... but if I don't I would love to hear more.

