Monday, November 8, 2010

Thermal Depolymeriized on wednesday afternoons.

Yeah, I know what your asking yourself at this very moment. Your answer is hidden deep inside you. Get to know yourself and do some meditation and maybe you'll be lucky enough to figure it out.

Today's episode is brought to you by the color green and the number 6,880,259,599.

World, I've learned some things. I like doing that every once in a while. You know, to keep me busy, and it always makes me feel pretty cool and educated and I think yall deserve to be cool and educated so let me educate you. First, over the weekend I learned a couple of things. I had the opportunity travel independently to virgin valley high school. On my way I learned fact #1: Google is a liar. I asked it for directions to the school before I left and it told me to take exit 2, turn right and make another right on hillside. you can't go right on hillside. I know this because I tried it. When you try to turn right on hillside, you actually turn into a fence blocking off a parking lot of a casino. It's not pretty. and so I un-turned and went straight, I figured I could take a left a the next road and sneek up on the back of the high school. I soon learned that I figured incorrectly but not before I learned Fact #2: that if you're trying to turn left, you can get stuck at a stoplight for EVER! It was red when I got there, until it turned green but there were a ton of cars and so I yielded until the light redded again and then on the next green there were more cars to yield to. and then a red again and after the third red there was finally a place to turn.

Fact #3: When i arrived there I learned that Lane Tait is the student body president of good ol' vvhs. Pretty nifty right! I know, I thought so. He's my relative in some kind of way I think, at least that's what it felt like at the wedding.

Fact #4: Also on Saturday, I judged a blind person! I know that sounds bad and before you whip out your bible, you should know that I was judging a speech tournament and he was one of the competitors. It was a very interesting and diverse round, there were three mormons, including myself and the blind kid, a mexican and a muslim and a blind person. I know, pretty awesome huh!Yeah, so it was a spar round, which is like little spontaneous debates and the competitors are supposed to flip a coin to find out what the topic is and who gets which side and nobody had a coin BUT there was an awesome color wheel in the classroom so I had each competitor pick three colors and if it landed on one of theirs they won the coin toss. Pretty innovative huh? That's what I thought. BUT THEN!! A blind person came in late. I wrote a note to the muslim,  who I made stay behind because he had a timer, asking if it was appropriate to make a blind person pick three colors on a color wheel. He wasn't sure. I'm still not sure. What do you think globe? Hmm. that's an interesting opinion. Anyway so we were lucky enough to find a coin to flip so everything worked out. The blind kid was an excellent speaker for a novice and he had an awesome blind person laptop. AND! Guess what he said when he left! I mean it guess. . . "see ya later" I know. I know. I thought the same thing.

So I had this awesome idea since the election ended but I didn't follow through fast enough, but maybe in another election, I'll do it. As I was driving down the road I smiled when ever I saw a sharron angle sign (uncapitalized on purpose) that was about to be thrown away. But then I thought that it was a shame that all those political signs were being turned into trash to trash up the planet and I had a very green idea! What if I went around town and asked people if I could take and recycle their now pointless political signs! it was ingenious right!? Well, i didn't act quick enough and now the signs are gone and I don't think my other green idea of thermal depolymerization of teapartyists to stave off an energy crisis is very "street legal." So.

Congratulations earth on your 6,880,259,599th baby. Before we know it we'll be at that 7 billion mark I've been rounding up to for years.

Hasta la vista!

ps. other facts: It is cold in walk in freezers, it is not fun to work in walk in freezers, I don't like frozen things, most of the frozen items that I was supposed to stock on saturday DO NOT EXIST!!!!!! That's it.


  1. Josh-u-a
    I could have given you better directions than Google... now back to reading.

  2. ... and Lane is only a Junior in HS. That is super cool that you can be Student Body Pres as a Junior. Lane is such a popular kid.

    back to reading...

  3. Awesome that you judged not judged a blind guy.

  4. After election day... the law stated the signs have to go. You disappoint me with you delayed lightbulb moment.

  5. My boys also hate walk-in freezer work. If you are smart you will have a thermal jacket and gloves... my boys aren't smart.

  6. Lovely post Josh...
    I always learn so much reading about your life through your eyes in such a global perspective.
    oh and in my opinion... if you give the blind guy three color choices I am sure he could do the rest. But the coin worked.

