Friday, September 24, 2010

Untitled Post #1

It's Friday. You know what that means globe. Well actually, you probably don't know for sure. Heck, i'm not quite sure what it means either to tell you the complete truth, but the complete truth is often overrated. Don't get me wrong, the truth is always a good thing, but I think the great thing about truth is that it's rather elastic. Truth is the great invincible rubber band. Stretch it around any person and you can catch yourself a suspected terrorist or maybe some nice lawsuit winnings or a dirty politician. Or stretch it around your wrist and it will look like you stand for something or that you trade arm bands and are therefore really cool. . Truth is fantastic, but complete truth is an affront to what we're trying to accomplish here. It's Friday for truth's sake! We don't want to run around ruining it by mentioning that the economy still sucks, that Christine O'Donnell is running for office or that Lindsay Lohan's twin sister will miss her in prison. That would be un-American. That would be un-Globecan. Lets reserve this day for hiding from absolutes! Lets stretch that truth! We're out of Iraq! Yeah! Some people still have jobs! Yes! Its Friday and that means everything is going to be alright. Indeed. 

Important news for pests today. The national Bed Bug Summit is underway in Chicago. At least it was yesterday and if it's over by now, re-read the above paragraph's fourth sentence's second independent clause. If you are a bug who lives in a bed and bites unsuspecting children even though their parents told them not to let you, you better get your bug butt to the summit because you are late. That's all I have to say on the matter. 

(the following paragraph should be read pausing after every few words like president Obama does to make it seem official)

Well, it is time for me to mention a point. We need points in this world to make our things into stuff. I've promised the Globecan people stuff and I plan to honor that promise. I'm not the first to take up this battle but I'm determined to be the last. This project is one of real importance to all who are participating and it's one that definitely has a point. Otherwise we'd have nothing to point at others with. I personally like a nice laser pointer or a long pointing stick. In the days weeks and months to come I hope you point in the right direction. Thank you. 


  1. I am your first follower. *Ü*

    Bed bugs:
    they are not nice. Biting even innocent college students. I heard a program the other day that said... you cannot get rid of them by simply spraying 'what have you' all around the house. YOU had better get a professional. Good advice I think... and that is exactly what Yvette and Jordan did. Bed bugs are global... not just restricted to the summit in Chicago.


  2. The summit in Chicago is a place for global bedbugs to unite and discuss issues facing the population. My message was for any such pests who hadn't made there way there yet and happened to be visiting my blog. I have a high number of bedbug readers and they deserved to be recognized.

  3. I do, I can and I will, love this boy, and not just because he is the one true king and MY SON!!
