Monday, April 11, 2011

Whoa Guys. Whoa.

Wow. It's you again. We've got to stop running into each other like this. Someone is going to suspect.I know I suspect. I suspect all the time and it always turns out for the worst, except for those times when it turns out for the better. Ahh yes. I see that a few things have changed since we last had a little chat. WHAAAA?? Right on! I'm a little different too. Yes, those things are at it again.

First on the docket:YOU. You're a fantastic person. Yes I'm writing to you. Secondly: others like you. I know right? I can hardly believe it myself. 7 followers. 2 of which are amazing photographers. Two of which have stuck with me for all this time and two identical twins. M Staley and Oliver. Goodness gracious! A guy never realizes how similar some people look until they are pictured side by side in the followers box. That followers box, it really suits people.

So I went on a little journey to the faraway land of Logandale Nevada to check out the Clark County Fair and Rodeo. Guess WHAT!! I touched a ruminant. Mhm, I know you're jealous. I also tried to snap a couple pictures, but my sanyo (brand name used for effect) for some reason wasn't working right. I ended up just using my LG phone and sending them to facebook for later processing. Darn I wish I had a nicer photographing machine. (po box 1033, overton NV, 89040) Then I'd be a real blogger. Anyway, rode some rides, found out a good friend of mine can't handle the Meri-go-Round, and saw some shows. One in particular was freaking awesome. Tim Gabrielson almost even took my twenty dollar bill. Unfortunately I didn't answer his "where you from?" question and he picked someone else. I also battled snow. On Saturday, it was raining pretty good upon my arrival. As I meandered through the fairly grounded grounds, I noticed that there weren't very many people around. I realized after ducking for some cover in a tent, where all the people had gone. Deciding I didn't like the crowd in the tent, I slipped my ruined-when-wet things into a plastic bag and enjoyed the cold wetness of the way less crowded outdoors. That's because I'm a real man. Also Because I'm a real man I decided to purchase myself some hot meat to go with the now solidified precipitation. The bratwurst stand runners got such a hoot out of the ice falling into my sausage that they snapped a picture and declared it's future publication in their very own magazine. I snuck my hands in the shot for some free publicity. Oh, the life of a famous person.

Sunday was also quite adventurous. Moments before church, I got a mysterious phone call from a man declaredly from "THE STATE" I was a little bit nervous I was being drafted via cell phone.Fortunately, I heard wrong. He was from the stake and he wanted to schedule an appointment for my stake president interview, the final step on my mission papers. What I mean to say here is: "My papers are turned in and in a few weeks, I'll get my call to serve two year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" I'm super excited. I'm just a little off put by my friends not leaving till august and hoping that I get to leave earlier than that. If not though I guess I'll just keep stocking shelves for the summer months. I was hoping I would skip out on ice cream season. I love ice cream. Don't get me wrong, but in a Nevada summer, so does everyone else. That doesn't fair well with a frozen department supervisor at the only grocery store within a 45 minute radius.

Well folks, live well. Tip your baggers. Be a good little boy. Mind your p's and q's. Remember who you are and always always always always always ... um, I did have something for you to always do but I got distracted by my continuous typing of the word "always". Darn. I have a feeling it was super important too. Like something I know about that you probably don't and if I could remember it, it would probably drastically change your life for the better. Oh well, I guess you should also check out this blog: it's pretty manly.

So Short.


  1. I am glad that you touched a ruminant... and that you use big words that I don't know so that I can google them and find out... that you touched a PIG (I think) the photo is small... its too bad that you were not around when I was getting up during the wee hours of the morning to slop ruminants and milk ruminants... then you could help me do more than just touch one. Maybe this is why I don't see the need for my attendance at the fair.

    As for the whole mission thing... CooL! I can't wait to hear where you will go in the wide-wide world.


    ps. I checked out the new follower... I love photography. YOU do need a better more efficent photographing machine... I hope someone sends one your way.

  2. I'm not sure if a pig is a ruminant. I pig was at the fair and i did take a PIGture but that's not what I touched. I touched a sheep which is a ruminant because it has four stomaches and chews it's cud.
