Here lies the stuff, the stuff that makes up other stuff that stuffs the great stocking of existence. I’m talking about things. Things like the Ten Commandments and dollar menus. Citizens! Citizens, who through their citizenly citizenographicaly unique citizenship have somehow stuck to that big spinning ball we belong to, I mean the globe and therefore Globecans! partake.
Monday, April 18, 2011
White Power
For too long we’ve been pretending, misleading, misunderstanding, representing missing makeup making marks remarking fantasies to equalize the genome playing fielders fielding questioning to painters painting pictures of a fallacied reality of something, something that we wish we wished we were non-fiction, but it’s time we changed our vision and our diction for our grandchildren.
It’s time we got our heads on straight and martyred our regretter, who are we kidding? we’ll be asking of course, whites do it better.
One word, word: sports. Two words: Michael Phelp. To find a better Mr. Athlete you are gonna need some help. To find a whiter woman’s baby, well, I’m sure you’ll find one somewhere but the point is he’s a white boy and with white enough to share. “white boys can’t jump” well they can truly swim and dive, and you know affirming action is what keeps other jumps alive.
On to music: Rap? Come on now! Can’t you listen? We white folk beat all those others long ago with Eministen, or whatever that guy’s name is you know sometimes I forget, I guess a white guys got so much that that can happen some I bet. The point is, Mozart’s white and so was Mj and Beethoven. They pretty much invented music or at least where music’s droven.
On to other things important, like politics and living, did you know that 92% of leaders are white and proud of giving? They’re the best at writing laws that build up stock and build up debt. They keep the whole free market system that we live in, don’t forget. To speak of living, we’re outnumbered by the Asians in the east, but even so, we found the coolest places for livin in at least.
Whites make more money, harvest honey, speak so funny, soak up sunny, and you know what I don’t care about the burn I got last week, at least I didn’t tan, you know tanning makes you weak. White people are the greatest! We can build! WE CAN DESTROY! We’ll create a new society of loveliness and joy. We can rid ourselves of inefficient bumps along the chain. Change global atmospheric pressure, on other nations make it rain. We have saved and changed those babies in the lands of far away, so we’ll develop there economies and teach them how to pray.
White! We do what’s right! and White! How dare the queen of hearts paint all our precious roses red? White! We’ll ever fight! and White! It may be time we paint the roses while all others fall down dead. But White! We’ll just forget em cause we’re the greatest at that too for White! we’ll paint the sky to cover every other hue. The green, no, call it whitehouse will trap the sun and rid the night. We’ll pave the acres of other colors with our preciuous purest white!
Heil White! Go White! Read White! Feed White! Need White! Seed White! Bleed White! Because for too long we’ve been giving too much to other races right?
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