You can't see them, but lying on the top of the carefully composed soil in this cup on a water filled Nesquik lid, fiftyish nearly microscopic packages of life are waiting to spring forth into existence.
It started the other day when my father didn't awaken me from my morning hibernation to give me my mail and instead gave me the package of a packet of a packet of fifty African Hybrid Fantasy Teacup Violet seeds later that afternoon. I was kind of worried when i opened the package.The packet, which I learned today contained a smaller packet, didn't look like it had seeds in it. It looked like this: . . .. Ok so blogger doesn't want to upload the image but just imagine half a golden ticket that is not very packet like and if you shake it you can't hear seeds.I was even more worried today when i further investigated, but we'll get to that. I didn't have any time to plant that day so i waited until today to do the opening and planting and stuff.
So today i read the instructions on the back of the not so packety packet and also some instructions in the instruction manualish thing that came with the alleged packet of seeds. They wanted me to germinate all the seeds at the same time in some miniature egg carton looking thing. That's more than I bargained for. This is project grow-A-friend not grow-50-friends. That's to much to handle.I decided I could do just one seed instead and went to the store to get some soil and a plastic pot thing - you know, those things they put plants in that are made of plastic. Well, those things that they put plants in and are made of plastic are hard to come by. Also, soil is not sold at the local store where you buy that kind of stuff except in like fifty pound bags. i don't need that much so I decided to improvise. I went the dixie cup route for planting and prepared for soil hunting.
Soil hunting was a flop. Armed with my shovel and collecting cup, I walked to the river and it turns out, our river doesn't have beach where all the soil is. All the soil sucks and then the ground just drops off into the river like a cliff. I know down there in the water, there is good soil, but I'm not that determined so I found some leftover manure from our garden to construct my soil from.
I don't know if I told you this, but at the old people swap meet, I got some Humate and Sea Kelp for my soil and i mixed a teaspoon of each with my manure for maximum growing potential. Then, as per instruction I put my creation in a zippy bag and added some water for it to soak up. I had what looked like the perfect ratio of water to soil and I was ready to trasport it to my cup, but then i thought maybe i needed a little more water. i don't know the absorbing capasity of Humately kelpish manure, so I put a little more in the bag and instantly had manure soup on my hands. It was terrible. I don't know if you know this, but once you've made manure soup, it's really hard to separate out the water. I would say it's kind of impossible to just drain it out. I dumped it in my cup and got some of the collected water from the top and then added more dry cow crap to balance it out. Just fyi, something in my soil mixture did not have the most delightful of aromas and i was not having a ton of fun at this point in time. With some complex tinkering of the soil creation, I had a decent looking cup of dirt for planting in.
Then, I opened the packet. To my surprise, in the packet, was another packet. In this packet was nothing. I'm serious. I kind of believe I've been gypped. upon further investigation i found somethings that might be seeds, but I still kind of doubt that they're real. I've never seen anything so so small and Humately Kelpish Manure colored in my life. I dumped a few on the counter and promptly couldn't tell the difference between them and random specs of whatever is on the counter. I then decided I should tap a "seed" or two on the top of my soil. They're supposed to sit on top to germinate. Unfortunately, it''s hard to only dump one. Sooooooo... I have a lot of invisible seeds on some Poopy, kelpy, wet, humately stuff in my window sill. I can only hope my friend(s) will grow.
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