An'd birds can't bring you down. (neither can misused apostrophes)
I know. There's no need to say what you're thinking.
But there is aneed for more compoundwords. Idon't think there can ever beenough compoundwords.
They're kindof an endangeredspecies.
Therefore I hereby declare. (what I declare is probably irrelevant in this particular setting but it may have something to do with suave cocoa butter with shea body lotion)
Wow, this time I'm really not sure what you're thinking. Please elaborate. Hmmmm. Oh yeah! Hey, you know what? ME TOO!! I know what a freakingcoincidence! More people should really agree with us. We're pretty smart folks you know. If only congress would listen to us we'd have a constitution you know. What? Ouch globe, that kindof stings. Ok it stings alot. hhhhhh I know, I probably do deserve it. I'll try to do better. I just, I don't know, you know. It's hard to think about sometimes. Yeah, that's true. True again. Ah well. I'm leaving the country anyway. I wonder what would happen if my plane crashed in the ocean on my way to Nebraska. That would be scary. I would probably drown. Then I wouldn't get to share with the Nebraskans the wonderful message of happiness and truth that I get to share with them. There might be entire sections of that country that don't get to know at all about the saving power of Jesus the Christ. The thought that there might be some out there who have no idea the kinds of people they can be if they only put their trust in the Lord. We're imperfect, we're flawed, we're broken, we're lost, but when we draw near unto God, he draws near unto us until we become as he is. When we learn of him, we learn how to conquer our flaws, mend our brokenness, find our way and become perfected through the endless atonement of our older brother Jesus Christ. He loves us. His gospel has been restored upon the face of the earth and the way has been made clear to return unto him. Righteous souls everywhere, doing the best they can to live through Christ who strengtheneth them, who, even in times of apostasy has never completely abandoned them. People everywhere, now comforted by precious portions of truth, can now, through the everlasting gospel of Christ, know for sure who He is, how He lifts us, and how to return to live with Him once more. God's priesthood has been restored by the His power and through His prophet, Joseph Smith, who had the audacity to take the counsel of James and "ask of God, who giveth to men liberally" I know that like him, we can come to know the truth, by seeking out His word both in the Bible and the Book of Mormon, and ask God, in the name of His son, Jesus Christ if they are true. He has answered me. He can answer all. All people can be lifted by the power of God made manifest among the children of men. No amount of reading or listening could have brought me to this knowledge. Only by asking, humbly for the direction of the Holy Ghost have I been so blessed to know the truth that has lifted me out of my flawed and broken state, and pointed me toward perfection.
God loves me.
He loves you.
What's that?
I think so to.
It's been great to spend all this time with you. May peace be with you this day and always is my humble prayer.